Dissociation is also a long-time companion of mine. I only really discovered the behavior a couple years ago and it helped to identify so much of what my life has been. I’ve been lacking breath work and meditation with the same excuses of summer, children, work.. who really has time for ten minutes of the day 🙃?! I had found ice baths to be extremely helpful, jolting me back into my body and the present moment, almost forcing me to meditate and breathe. For the winter months it was life changing and summer I haven’t been able to keep up with the cost of cooling a bath in 90 degree weather. All of this to say it’s time to find another way and get back on track. Your writing made me realize this and also feel not so alone. Thanks for your words!

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Thank you so much for sharing Kasey. You're definitely not alone. I don't cold plunge as much as I'd like but I totally agree it's such a refreshing and powerful reset for the nervous system! If and when you're ready to recommit to breathwork let's chat. You might like the classes I offer to folks within the All Parts Community specifically designed to support letting go of stuckness and getting back into the body :) Thank you for being here!!

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I really enjoyed this read. I struggled severely with this as a young girl and later with depersonalisation. It is a hard and difficult way to live. As you’ve beautifully said, as you turn down pain you turn down pleasure. 🙏🏼

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