Thank you for this! A wholehearted YES (to experience comes from living... not 'creating content', never mind ask ChatGPT to create content for us) from me. What makes me feel alive is having real and authentic conversations with real and authentic people. Very best wishes for a creative new year

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Couldn't agree more, Veronika. Cheers to more authentic conversations in 2025 and beyond!

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Amazing authentic post capturing the challenges of our modern world. Substack is the 1st social media I have done for years (ex LinkedIn for work) and I'm moving slowly, not yet paying and not subscribing to much unless it is amazing. I'm just looking for a few different perspectives from a holistic and spiritual view to add into my life. From that I would say we have more than 5 senses. Not sure what they are called, our conciousness and what we are concious of, the 5 senses, and our chatty mind, our human heart And the internal world of our body/hormones//nervous system........ go well. May the new year be a wonderful renew

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Ngaire, Thank you for your kind words, and welcome to Substack! It's definitely not perfect, but I've found it much more nourishing for my nervous system than any other platform out there.

It's so funny you brought up the 5 senses. I wrote that sentence and thought, "but there are much more than 5 ways of fully BEING in our present moment experience." Some yogic traditions say there are 10 bodies. I decided to stick to just the 5 senses for this post to avoid any tangents/esotericism that would get in the way of the main point of this essay, but you may have inspired me to dive into this topic more in a future post!

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There is so much in this post that I loved! Thank you for your embodied wisdom and critiques that land softly and nestled with encouragement to live authentically! I love what you share and how you share it!

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Thank you, Alicia! So happy to be journeying alongside you through these wild times :)

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Big Love! <3 <3

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I really enjoyed reading this as I relate to so much of it. I definitely feel the pressure of having to create content for contents sake as you described. I only recently discovered chatGPT (yes I guess I’m late on that) and I had all those thoughts you mentioned — I’ve begun to question everything I see online so much wondering if it was just ChatGPT that came up with it all. Like you said, it has its place and can be helpful - but I also think it adds to this issue of having to be content creating machines all the time. I much prefer to show up authentically as well

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Thank you for sharing this beautifully written essay. It echoes what a lot of us feel. Especially those of us who choose to do the work. A lot of us feel compelled to shut out the noise of the world, and attune inward.

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Love your honesty and transparency in this, Eliza.

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