This is All Parts,

Where we embrace all parts of the human experience.

All Parts is an exploration into healing and connecting back to authenticity and wholeness, with a healthy dose of skepticism along the way. It’s written and created by me, Eliza B., MA, MA, CCC, a registered psychotherapist, somatic coach, breathwork & kundalini guide, and human being just trying to make sense of the world around me.

I spent a decade of my life seeking the answers to some of life’s hardest questions. I started with the intention of discovering why some people seem to have it all figured out, while others struggle to get out of bed in the morning. What I discovered through training in all sorts of modalities including (but not limited to) counseling psychology, somatic experiencing, integrative health, neurobiology & the physiology of stress, breathwork journeying, kundalini yoga, meditation, EMDR, Internal Family Systems (IFS), psychedelic integration, emotion-focused therapy, feminist theory, and more, is that we are all capable of creating the life we want.

I’ve been deep in the trenches of my own healing and support others through 1:1 therapy and group work. I share many of the ideas I explore with both myself and my clients to the readers of All Parts.

My intention for this publication is to create place where we can come as we are. A place where we can explore the woes of the world and our roles in it. A place where we can get curious about our traumas and subsequent patterns and behaviors that our life experiences keep us stuck in. A place where we can dare to practice reconnecting to our Selves. A place where spirituality and science converge. A place where we can rest from capitalistic, patriarchal norms and expectations, if only for a moment. A place where we can fiercely exclaim our boundaries without guilt or shame. A place where we can feel our feelings with love and acceptance. 

A place where we can maybe, just maybe, start to live more alive than we ever thought possible.

I share everything on All Parts as a human first, therapist second. There is a need in today’s world for unfiltered truth; to strip away the facade of “expert” and to show up as a whole, perfectly imperfect person. In this way, I hope to deconstruct the patriarchal walls that keep mental health practitioners feeling isolated and scared to step into their full humanity.

*NOTE: that being said, if you are a client of mine and you prefer any details about my personal life be kept out of your conscious awareness, great! Please do not subscribe to this newsletter.

**ALSO NOTE: This newsletter is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to replace 1:1 psychotherapy or any mental health/medical support.

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Founding Members get all the perks of paid subscribers, with an extra depth of gratitude for supporting my work. Through your contribution, you’re helping me make this offering as accessible as possible for others. Thank you.


The Grateful Part

Subscribe to All Parts by Eliza Butler

The All Parts Community is a resting place for those who are exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected and want to learn how to trust the body, regulate emotions, and access joy. By a somatic psychotherapist & trauma informed kundalini & breathwork teacher


Somatic psychotherapist. Trauma informed kundalini and breathwork teacher. Aspiring professional hobbyist (that’s a thing..right?). Cinema-goer. Dog mom. Lover of all things slowwww